Friday, October 28, 2011

Adventures in Make Up

Make-Up is one of my most favorite things to shop for (outside of shoes, perfume, books and food...). Normally, I head to Sephora because you aren't limited to one specific brand and it's fun to browse and try out different things. However, not too long ago, I went back to MAC. Before we got a Sephora in our mall (now we have 3 I think), I used to go to MAC, but sometimes they are just a little too pricey for me.

So here's what I picked up:

Eyeshadow in Vanilla (for the brow bone)

Paint Pot in Constructivist for the lid and the lash line.

Eyeshadow - Dark Indulgence from their Semi-Precious Collection (it's no longer on their website, sad face) for the crease.

And here was the result

It probably wouldn't have killed me to clean up under my eyes a little but at this point, it had been a few hours.

I also put a little of the Constructivist on my eyebrows to darken them to my hair color. Don't go too crazy or you'll end looking a little too much like Groucho Marx.

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