Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy November!

It's the first day of November and in honor of that, I share with you some November trivia!

  1. November is one of 4 months in the Gregorian Calendar that has 30 days.
  2. November comes from the Latin word root “novem”, which means nine. It was originally the 9th month in the Roman Calendar.
  3. In Finland they call November “marraskuu” which translates as “month of the dead”.
  4. November is National Beard Month.
  5. The birthstone for November in Topaz (or Citrine depending on which chart you are looking at!)
  6. World War I ended on the 11th day of the 11th month (November) at 11PM, in 1918.
  7. On November 5th 1935, Parker Brothers introduced the game Monopoly to the world.
  8. On November 13th 1952 the first press-on fingernails were sold.
  9. November 17th is National Take A Hike Day.
  10. The flower that represents November is the Chrysanthemum.
So there we have it! Hopefully you learned something you didn't know before. I'm a sucker for useless trivia.

Also, and probably most importantly, my daugher's 11th birthday is this month! I'm currently working on my decorating ideas and such for her party. She's inviting boys this year. Help us all!

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