Friday, November 11, 2011

In Which I Suck At Blogging....

I am seriously sucking at this blogging thing lately. I've had a lot going on personally and just haven't had the heart to write any posts. However, I'm in the process of planning my oldest daughter's 11th birthday and I have a lot of cool ideas that I'm putting into that. And also, I've mentioned before that we are re-doing our basement. Nothing cosmetic really but it's amazing what paint can do for a room (or rooms, in this case). Hopefully, I will be able to make another post some time soon with the basement updates.

Also, just a warning. I have a potty mouth. I cuss like a sailor and I've been trying to curb myself but really, that's not being myself. I won't always cuss in posts but I may post "funnies" that have cuss words in them. Just a warning.

So again, hopefully I'll be back soon...

Until then, enjoy these funnies...
This show has my heart and soul right now

Photos taken during dives.

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