Thursday, December 1, 2011

Kid Stuff - Making Cloud Dough

Another project I have tried from Pinterest is making Cloud Dough. I just knew that my youngest would really enjoy playing in this. I vaguely remember doing this as a child and figured it would be a fun play with texture project we could do together.

So here's what you need.
  • 8 cups of plain flour
  • 1 cup of baby oil (I used shea butter baby oil so that it would be scented - smelled like the beach!)
  • a large container
  • toys - we used inexpensive baking tools purchased at the dollar store
  • AND of course 1 (or more) cute kid(s)

So basically we just dumped 8 cups of flour into our container and added the baby oil.

Then the fun part - we mashed it all together - it feels really neat!

It pretty much takes any shape. We made snowballs, cupcakes, cakes, domes, all kinds of stuff. It's simple and pretty inexpensive and it sure beats sitting in front of the TV.

Lastly, and this is the most important step. MAKE A HUGE MESS! AND HAVE FUN!!

P.S. Those curtain to the left of Boo's shoulder? - Yeah, my mom and I made those!

Have fun!

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